Are modular helmets more noisy?

Andrew Roberts

Andrew Roberts

Modular helmets are a popular choice for riders who want the convenience of a full-face helmet, but with the added flexibility of an open-face helmet. With the ability to flip up the front portion of the helmet, riders can quickly and easily communicate with others, take a drink of water, or get some fresh air without having to remove the entire helmet.

One question that many riders have about modular helmets is whether they are more noisy than other types of helmets. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the factors that contribute to helmet noise and how they apply to modular helmets.

Factors That Contribute to Helmet Noise

Before we can answer the question of whether modular helmets are more noisy, we need to understand the factors that contribute to helmet noise in general. Here are some of the most significant factors:

Wind Noise:

The most significant factor in helmet noise is wind noise. This is the noise created by air rushing over the helmet and into the rider’s ears. Wind noise is affected by the speed at which the rider is traveling, the shape of the helmet, and the presence of vents or other openings in the helmet.


A helmet that doesn’t fit properly can allow wind to enter around the edges, creating additional noise. A good fit is essential for reducing helmet noise.

Helmet Type:

Different types of helmets are designed for different purposes and offer different levels of noise protection. For example, open-face helmets offer less noise protection than full-face helmets because they don’t cover the ears.

Helmet Design:

The design of the helmet can have a significant impact on noise levels. A helmet with a streamlined design will create less wind resistance and noise than a bulky, angular helmet.

Do Modular Helmets Produce More Noise?

With these factors in mind, let’s take a closer look at modular helmets and whether they produce more noise than other types of helmets. The short answer is that modular helmets can produce more noise than other types of helmets, but this is not always the case.

Modular helmets are designed to be versatile and offer the best of both worlds. However, the hinge mechanism that allows the front of the helmet to flip up can create additional wind resistance and noise. When the front of the helmet is closed, the noise levels are similar to those of a full-face helmet. However, when the front of the helmet is open, wind noise can enter through the gap between the two helmet halves, creating more noise.

Additionally, the locking mechanism that holds the front of the helmet in place can also contribute to noise. If the locking mechanism is not tight enough, wind noise can enter through the gap between the helmet halves.

That being said, not all modular helmets are created equal. Some modular helmets are designed with noise reduction in mind, and these helmets will generally be quieter than others. Additionally, a well-fitting modular helmet will offer better noise protection than a poorly fitting full-face helmet.

Tips for Reducing Modular Helmet Noise

If you are concerned about helmet noise with a modular helmet, there are some steps you can take to reduce noise levels:

Choose a High-Quality Helmet:

Look for a modular helmet with noise-reduction features, such as a streamlined design, aerodynamic shape, and noise-cancelling padding.

Ensure a Proper Fit:

Make sure your modular helmet fits snugly around your head and that the locking mechanism is secure. This will help prevent wind noise from entering the helmet.

Wear Earplugs:

Earplugs can provide additional noise protection and help reduce wind noise. Look for earplugs designed specifically for motorcycle riders, as these will provide the best combination of noise protection and comfort.

Avoid Riding in Strong Winds: Riding in strong winds can increase wind noise levels, so try to avoid riding on particularly windy days

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